How to Provide Support for Racial Equality

Shop to make a difference! Use our portfolio or select your own causes and multiply their donations with ShoppingGives. Unlock the power of social impact.
Support for Racial Equality|How to Provide Support for Racial Equality|isaiah-rustad-PIhsoerkXxY-unsplash

We denounce racism in all its forms and want to share ways to take action against racial injustice. Everyone has the power to start a movement and each of us can make a massive impact. That/s the principle we built our business on and one we will always uphold.

This sentiment has been shared by our Giving Economy, and we created the Fighting Racial Injustice portfolio for you to show support and provide funds. The portfolio is made of:

How to Support

If you're looking for ways to give back to fund organizations fighting for racial equality, we recommend using this portfolio or supporting the causes individually. You can set a default and all your orders will go to the selected cause or add a multiplier to the featured causes to inspire you customers to select them.

Credit to Supporting Partners

Any Impact Starter partner who supports this portfolio as a featured cause or default will be credited back any transaction fees incurred this month. If you have our app installed and are billed every 30 days or $50 you are an Impact Starter partner who is eligible. We will calculate your fees at the end of the month, and you'll be credited on future invoices, regardless of whether you continue to support this portfolio or not.

We want to make sure to appropriately credit all stores who feature this portfolio and while we will be monitoring support on our end, we ask that you also fill out this form so that we can include you for credits.

If you have any questions, fee free to reach out to

Thank you all for your support for the causes that matter. We look forward to seeing the impact you make.

Unlock the power of social impact with ShoppingGives

Learn more about how you can drive stronger business performance by giving back