Win the Holidays with a GivingTuesday Campaign
The 2022 holiday season saw huge increases in the number of businesses and consumers who got involved in GivingTuesday giving trends. Stay ahead of the competition this year with the 2023 Holiday Guide for Giving and Brand Growth.
This complete step-by-step guide will give your business everything you need to implement a seamless giving strategy for the upcoming holiday season while increasing your bottom line.
- Giving in the United States totaled $3.1 billion on GivingTuesday 2022—representing a 15% increase compared to 2021, and a 25% increase since 2020.
- There was a 145% increase in the number of merchants who mentioned donating a percentage of purchases on their homepage for GivingTuesday in 2022 compared to 2021.
- There was a 333% increase in the number of merchants who promoted either customer round-up or add-on donations on their homepage for GivingTuesday in 2022 compared to 2021.

In This Guide You’ll Get Insights on:
1. How to align your brand mission and values with a cause
2. Tips for forming corporate nonprofit partnerships
3. Recommendations for setting your giving plans and goals
4. What to know about cause marketing compliance and regulation
5. Cause marketing examples from brands’ previous holiday strategies